Built-in Bunk Rooms

There are many benefits to adding a bunk room to your home: there’s nothing like them for hosting overnight guests easily and conveniently. Whether the kids next door, slumber birthday party guests, or your out-of-town sister’s family, bunk rooms make hosting multiple people in your home a breeze.

A built-in bunk bed is a bunk bed that has been built into the room and is attached to the walls of its space to look like a cohesive part of the room. Built-in bunk beds tend to be larger and sturdier because they’re often attached to the walls, floor, and ceiling and have a custom, high-end look.

There are different types of custom-designed built-in bunk beds that can help with various storage solutions: a built-in wardrobe, under-bed storage, an all-in-one bed, and a desk. Consider lights, a charging area, and a nook for holding a cup of water or any personal items on the wall.

Consider built-ins an investment in your home, so plan what size mattress will be useful for guests as the years’ progress, and as guests of different ages come over. Larger mattresses are suggested on the bottom bunks for older guests and twin mattresses above. Depending on the age of use, stairs are nice to have as opposed to ladders.

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